DGC is an ISO 9001:2015 certified by TUV with ANAB accreditation and been offering its clientele quality engineering services over the last 19 plus years. We are members of AISC and NISD with QPP Certification. DGC has developed in-house project management tool - DART through which all projects are monitored for quality and on schedule deliveries. We have quality management teams in all the location

We provide excellent value proposition to our customers by following well defined and systematic detailing processing to strict quality and defined schedules. Each assignment is handled by team headed by a project manager along with checkers, modelers, editors and detailers

OUR people and culture

Our people are what make us unique. Rather than outsourcing our construction engineers from questionable outsourcing establishments, we provide them with an environment that supports professional growth. 

At DGC, we are strong believers in giving our employees a voice. Our teams are put together with the help of our resident psychologist to ensure maximum productivity and engagement.